About Tricia, The Lazy Shepherdess

The Lazy Shepherdess is a new leisure brand that represents an appreciation of our beautiful countryside and all the hard work that our farmers and shepherds do for us as a nation. They enable us to enjoy their animals that they guardian for us.

The Lazy Shepherdess was inspired by three main events that resulted in her falling in love with the idea of enjoying the life of a shepherdess.

  • she started to holiday in the wonderful Lake District a few years ago and immediately was overjoyed at the cuteness and hardiness of the Herdwick Sheep 
  • she was given the book The Yorkshire Shepherdess which recounts the wonderful inspiration Amanda Owen had when she also wanted to live a life in the fells
  • she was hungry to learn more and quickly followed up by ordering the delightful book by James Rebanks called The Shepherd's Life

Recognising she was unlikely to have a flock of her own doesn't stop her from loving and wanting to know more about these wonderful animals and so The Lazy Shepherdess was born, as she is the Lazy one, that doesn't have to be up at the crack of dawn, doesn't have to carry out the year round hard work, or be up all night weeks on end lambing, in often very cold weathers.  

You are more likely to find her out picnicking and hiking on the fells, with an overall very slow pace which is only determined by how many sheep she comes across that just need that one more photo to be taken of or just to stop and admire for a while. She hopes you will enjoy her journey over the coming years as she already has so so many ideas of how she would like to engage with you.... so if you love sheep, love walking, love fresh air and countryside she hopes you will join the flock!